Attorney Fee Recovery

Birmingham divorce lawyers helping our clients recover attorney’s fees in divorce cases in Pell City, Homewood, Pelham and all surrounding locations

Divorces in Alabama often involve two parties with widely divergent access to cash.  Additionally, extended divorce proceedings can sometimes cost tens of thousands of dollars in attorney’s fees.  You don’t have enough money to live, much less hire a skilled and competent divorce lawyer.

Courts recognize the need for attorneys on both sides of the equation, and in particular to protect the rights of the spouse without the financial ability to pay for such lengthy litigation.

Therefore, divorce cases are one of the few legal proceedings in which the Courts routinely Order costs of attorney be paid by the spouse with more financial means.  In other words, just because you don’t have significant cash up front, while your spouse does, doesn’t mean you can’t afford an attorney.  In fact, that is a situation in which you can’t afford NOT to have a qualified divorce attorney.

If your spouse has significant assets, but won’t give you access to them to hire an attorney give us a call.  Our Birmingham divorce lawyers will make every attempt at recovering your attorneys’ fees from your spouse, on top of alimony in gross, periodic alimony, and child support.

Don’t let your lack of liquidity stop you from consulting with our divorce attorneys in Birmingham, Alabama.  We may be able to structure an attorney’s fee arrangement that will allow you to pay us the bulk of the fee after the case is over.

Contact the divorce lawyers at the Birmingham divorce law firm Boles Holmes White LLC at 205-502-2000 to discuss your domestic situation today.

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