Fraudulent Use of a Credit Card

Birmingham Fraudulent Use of a Credit Card Attorneys

The Birmingham Credit Card Fraud Attorney at Boles Holmes White LLC regularly represent those charged with fraudulent use of a credit card.  This charge is often abbreviated on charging papers and other court documents as “FUCC”. The possession or use of a credit or debit card without the owner’s permission is typically charged as fraudulent use of a credit card in Alabama.   These charges also apply to those that attempt to use their own card, if they know that it has been cancelled. The fraudulent use of a credit card or debit card in the State of Alabama is often associated with identity theft charges where the accused is being investigated with stealing the identities of numerous persons and fraudulently using their credit or debit cards to purchase goods and services.  FUCC itself is a Class C felony, and therefore subject to punishment on a first offense of up to 10 years in prison. If you have been charged in Birmingham with the illegal possession of a credit card or debit card, or with the fraudulent use of a credit or debit card, contact the Birmingham Credit Card Fraud Attorney at Boles Holmes White LLC at 205-502-2000 to represent you.

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