Health Care Fraud

Health Care Fraud Attorney in Birmingham, AL – With over 50 years’ Experience!

The federal government has stepped up its war on health care fraud, dedicating specialized investigators and new technologies to combat a multibillion-dollar problem. This has landed thousands of medical professionals and executives and employees of health care providers in the Justice Department crosshairs, often innocently so.

If you stand accused of defrauding a government agency or private insurer, contact the nationally recognized law firm of Boles Holmes White. Swift intervention by our health care fraud attorney may result in dismissal of unfounded charges or the best chance to avoid a career-ending prison term.

National Medicare Fraud Attorneys

The BHW team has decades of collective experience in white collar criminal defense, including hundreds of health care fraud cases. Whether you are a doctor, pharmacist, owner of a medical supply company, or the accounting and billing manager of an HMO, hospital or clinic, we have the knowledge to represent you for:

  • Upcoding, unbundling and other overbilling
  • Double billing to Medicare/Medicaid and private insurance
  • Medically unnecessary treatments
  • Billing for services not rendered
  • Billing for phantom patients
  • Medicaid Part D fraud (fake pharmacy orders to circumvent the out-of-pocket “donut” in Medicaid coverage)
  • Kickbacks for patient referrals or prescribing pharmaceuticals
  • Cost report schemes (inflating Medicare expenses and pocketing the overpayments)

Boles Holmes White has defended clients charged under the False Claims Act, the anti-kickback statute (Medicare and Medicaid Patient Protection Act) and other fraud legislation. We have represented individuals as well as those accused in a health care fraud conspiracy.

Each fraudulent billing is a separate count. The government commonly charges Mail Fraud or Wire Fraud in addition to the actual insurance fraud. These multiple indictments and tacked-on charges provide federal prosecutors with additional leverage to secure prison sentences.

We fight to avoid convictions at all costs, because of the prison term and professional license sanctions. At times we can head off indictments by demonstrating a lack of criminal intent or personal gain — unintentional billing errors in a very complex system for Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement. When the government alleges — and is truly prepared to prove — a sophisticated and systematic fraud, we are prepared to go to trial and entertain plea negotiations.

Call the health care fraud attorney of Boles Holmes White at 205-502-2000 or e-mail us to arrange a confidential consultation. We practice in state and federal courts throughout the United States.

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