The idea seems crazy. Two people who have yet to be married are already thinking about their will and assets? Yes.
The big day is coming up, everyone is thinking about the gown, food, and decorations but the engaged couple should be thinking just as much on their financial future. Marriage is more than just two people coming together; their finances are merging too. Couples need to consider what to do with their accounts from before the marriage. Couples with career retirement funds, life insurance, and college funds will definitely benefit from planning ahead of time with their wills.
Having a will is something that is going to prevent chaos with an estate after the unfortunate passing of a loved one. Planning a will before marriage will allow the couples and individuals assets to be dispersed as the couple intended.
At BHW our Birmingham probate attorneys will assist you with one more thing to check off the wedding checklist before the I-Do’s. Make sure to come visit our Birmingham office to get your financial future in line.