Police chief sentenced in DUI case

Police chief sentenced in DUI case

On Tuesday, Lauderdale Circuit Court Judge Gil Self sentenced Tuscumbia Police Chief Tony Logan to two years’ supervision by a court referral officer, 90 days’ suspension of his driver’s license, and a $761 fine for a 2009 DUI arrest. Logan will also serve on the county’s victim’s’ impact panel. In addition, Logan was sentenced to a year in prison; however, the judge reduced his prison term to the two days he has already spent in jail.

Logan’s defense attorneys will appeal Logan’s DUI conviction.

Logan was arrested on December 5, 2009, after he struck his mailbox and police cruiser with his personal vehicle outside his Florence home. He was suspended from his position as police chief until March 2010.

Earlier in Logan’s trial, his defense team argued that he had been treated unfairly by prosecutors due to his career in law enforcement. However, the judge made it clear that Logan’s would be the same sentence he often gives for first-time DUI offenders.

While the case is pending appeal, Logan will be able to keep his driver’s license, and the fine and supervision will be postponed until the conclusion of the appeals process.

Prosecutors expressed satisfaction with the sentence. Brandon Hughes, who serves as traffic enforcement prosecutor in the Alabama Office of Prosecution Services, agreed that Logan should not be subjected to unusually harsh penalties because of his job.